jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

¡Mis textos en venta Amazon.com, pero yo no los he puesto a la venta!

To:     Amazon.com Customer Service

First, let me share with you my vows for a Merry Christmas.
Accidentally, I have come to the knowledge that you are selling the article "Recuerda la cédula real para que en México se hable sólo castellano", by Rainer Hurtado Navarro (http://www.amazon.com/Recuerda-c%C3%AAdula-M%C3%AAxico-hable-castellano/dp/B005EVIH0K).
I am the author of this brief submission to Proceso magazine.
It is part of a longer statement of the same subject, yet not published in any printed media.
Although it is under my name at your store, I have not uploaded this content to Amazon.
Also, today, I have found the previous version, a sort of summary (49 pages length), of an assay about Mexican contemporary journalism, entitled "Estudio sobre los lectores de La Jornada, y de la relación que ellos sostienen con el diario, producido a partir del libro La Jornada de los lectores, 1999" at your store (http://www.amazon.com/Estudio-lectores-relacion-sostienen-producido/dp/B0068P9DTU). I recall that I, in fact, shared it for few month under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/), after two years of unsuccessful attempts to get it published in the traditional way, because that work segregated me, while I persevered in my attempts to publish the full text (155 pages length), of which key Mexican politicians are aware. It is also known to many scholars, because I introduced to them a longer version, while I was waiting an editorial response, that ultimately came of rejection. I gave a lecture of the subject during VII Encuentro de Historiadores de la prensa en Iberoamérica (http://viiencuentroprensaveracruz.blogspot.com/p/programa.html).

I wonder who is profiting (if it is so) with those texts, because I am not.

I discovered those links because I was studying how to publish my works in a non traditional way, through you.

I am alarmed.

For your kind attention, I thank you.

Merry Christmas!
Rainer Hurtado Navarro.

[Jue 22 Dic 2011 13:03:43] You should receive a response from one of our representatives within 12 hours.

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